22. Making Sense of “Clingy” Behaviors: What’s Really Going On When Your Child Won’t Leave Your Side

Sometimes our kids go through phases – days, weeks, or even months – where they seem to need to be near us constantly. This can be challenging for us as parents; it’s hard to show up the way we want to when we’re struggling to get our own needs met because we’re constantly tending to our kids.

In this week’s episode, I unpack what’s really happening in these difficult seasons – including why our kids stay close, common reasons our kids need us more than usual, and what children are really seeking when they won’t leave our side.

 Here’s the thing: As parents, we’re both the secure base from which our children explore the world and the safe haven to which they return when they need to feel safe, protected, and connected. When we understand what’s truly happening in “clingy” moments, we can show up as the safe haven our children really need.


23. The Power of Storytelling: A Tool to Use When Your Child Gets Hurt (& in Other Stressful Moments)


21. What to Do When Your Child Interrupts: Why it Happens & How to Respond