Raised Resilient isn’t your typical parenting resource — we’re different.

Here’s the thing: In order to transform your family dynamic in a sustainable way, you need a few key ingredients:

1. A roadmap to shift the dynamics underneath the behaviors. It’s not enough to just put out fires … you have to get to the root of the problem.

2. Focus on YOU as a parent and as a person. You can’t effectively support your child with their needs & emotions if you don’t first understand & tend to yours.

3. Cutting edge parenting framework that actually supports the parent-child relationship instead of working against it.

4. A process that’s fun, engaging & actually doable — even in the midst of your crazy busy parenting life.

5. A fool-proof plan to help you sustain a healthy and enjoyable family dynamic long after we’ve stopped working together.

6. Unparalleled support so you’re never alone in this process.

Traditional parenting programs tend to fall short in one (or all) of these 5 ways:

  • They give you a bandaid solution, focusing only on your child’s behavior without addressing the root cause.

  • They give you scripts and practical strategies … but no understanding of what’s most important & why those scripts & strategies tend to fall short.

  • They focus on your kid’s emotions while completely ignoring your own.

  • They provide tons of information — but no support or tools to turn that information into real, sustainable transformation.

  • They’re not set up in a way that sets you up for success, so they sit on your digital bookshelf collecting dust while you continue to struggle.

  • And they’re not specific to the needs of a sensitive kid with big emotions — so you keep spinning your wheels because their generic parenting strategies don’t work with your kid.

But you’re smart enough to know that:

  • You don’t need a bandaid solution — you need a sustainable framework for a peaceful, connected family dynamic.

  • Scripts and practical strategies aren’t enough — you need to go deeper if you want real, lasting change.

  • You have to parent yourself before you can effectively parent your kid.

  • You’ve had enough information — you’re ready for real, sustainable transformation … and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there.

  • You’re ready to invest in a solution that actually works and a program you’ll actually do.

  • Your kid needs something different — typical parenting strategies have failed you over & over again, and you’re ready for something that actually works.

Raised Resilient is different.

We get it. We know you’ve tried it all, and none of it has worked. We know you need a real solution.

We know you’re desperate to end the meltdowns & build a peaceful home that actually stays peaceful, even as your kids grow — and we know exactly what it takes to get you there.

It’s the reason our clients are able to actually transform their family dynamics in as little as 8 short weeks … for the long run.

And along the way, they have actually have some fun … & feel more supported than they’ve ever felt in parenting before.

Wondering if we can help your family? Here are 3 reasons NOT to work with us:

You’re convinced your child is the problem and that they need to change.

We get it … your child is having HUGE reactions to seemingly tiny stressors. Your child is hitting, kicking, screaming, and telling you awful things like I hate you!

If you’re like most of our clients, you’re frustrated and maybe even resentful of how hard it is to parent this kid whose emotions feel like they’re running your household.

AND if you want these behaviors to finally stop & to have a home that truly feels peaceful, you also have to take extreme ownership over the way your home feels.

Change has to start with YOU. You’re the only thing you can control, and you have to be willing to start there.

You’re not willing to put in the work to truly transform your family dynamic.

If you’re not willing to:

  • show up and do the work, even when it’s hard

  • re-examine your long-held beliefs about parenting

  • stop unhelpful parenting practices

  • reach out for help when you need it

  • stay focused on your goals through the challenging moments

then we can’t help you.

Ending the meltdowns for good requires more than just scripts & hacks. This isn’t something you can do passively. You have to show up coachable and get resourceful (especially when things get challenging!)

Your child’s meltdowns are caused by more than their sensitive nature.

If your child is having meltdowns due to severe, repeated trauma (such as abuse, neglect, or long-term separation from a primary caregiver), a diagnosed — or strongly suspected — Autism Spectrum Disorder, or significant developmental delays, then your child likely needs a more comprehensive approach than what we offer through our signature program.

This program best suited for children whose development is mostly typical & whose family system is intact / at least one primary caregiver has been consistent throughout the child’s life.

If you find yourself in any of these situations, please contact us for a more appropriate referral.

So now let’s talk about who is a good fit to work with us:

We’re a great fit to work together if you’re:

  • parenting a sensitive kid with big emotions who’s struggling in a big way

  • feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and maybe even resentful of the constant meltdowns

  • walking on eggshells to avoid (yet another) emotional outburst

  • not sure how to reconnect with your child, get them to listen to you, or handle their challenging behaviors

  • worried that if you don't do something to help your child, they’ll grow up anxious, depressed, and disconnected from you

Most importantly, we are for you if you’re a loving parent who’s committed to showing up and putting in the work to end the constant meltdowns and create a real, lasting sense of peace in your home.

If that's you, we've got your back.

However, we do have some simple criteria you need to meet before we decide we're a great fit to work together:

  • You must be a parent of a sensitive child with big emotions who’s struggling.

  • Helping your child & creating a healthy family dynamic MUST be your TOP priority, and you must be willing to do whatever it takes to get there. That means that if you’re unwilling to stop using punishments, rewards, and control-based parenting methods, we can’t help you.

  • If you’re parenting with a partner, they’re open to new parenting practices (even if they’re not fully on board) and won’t actively sabotage your efforts to help your child & change your family dynamic.

  • You're not actively trying to survive another crisis. If there is something bigger going on in your family (like a partner who’s abusive to you or your child or unstable housing), you need to tend to that first.

  • Your child isn’t having meltdowns due to something deeper than simply being a highly sensitive child — such as significant, repeated trauma like abuse, neglect, or unstable caregiving — or a diagnosed or suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder). If your child falls into either of these categories, please contact us for a more appropriate referral.

If you’re ready to end the meltdowns (for good) and build the connected, peaceful, healthy family dynamic you’ve always dreamed of, click the button below to watch our FREE training, where we reveal the step-by-step system we use to help our clients create the family life of their dreams.