23. The Power of Storytelling: A Tool to Use When Your Child Gets Hurt (& in Other Stressful Moments)

One of your most important jobs as a parent is helping your child make sense of the world around them; children are born knowing nothing about the world that surrounds them, and we slowly help them understand what’s happening and where they fit.

In this week’s episode, I share why storytelling is SO powerful and how to use it to support your child’s healthy development & deepen the attachment relationship.  

Here’s the thing: Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools we have as parents to help our kids make sense of things that are difficult, scary, confusing, or just new for our kids. And it’s so simple & easy to do! And after listening to this week’s episode, you’ll be ready to use this tool with your child, too!


24. When Your Child “Only Wants Mommy!”: Navigating Parental Preference with Confidence


22. Making Sense of “Clingy” Behaviors: What’s Really Going On When Your Child Won’t Leave Your Side