30. “Why Do I Lose It When My Child Won’t Listen?!”: Making Sense of & Working Through Parenting Triggers

Parenting is legit the hardest job we’ll ever do. Parenting differently than how we were parented is especially hard because we’re being asked to give what we weren’t given. As we do this, our kids trigger our own past hurts & unmet needs … and the next thing we know, we’re losing it in an angry spiral.

 In this week’s episode, I help demystify parenting triggers – how they develop, why they’re so hard, and what we can do to begin to shift how we show up in these really hard moments. I use the example of getting triggered by “defiant” & “disrespectful” behavior, but you can apply these ideas to any triggers you experience in your own parenting.

Here’s the thing: We get triggered by our kids because we’re choosing to break unhelpful generational cycles. And that’s amazing! But in doing so, we need to heal, too, and that’s not always easy. After listening to today’s episode, you’ll know the next steps to take to begin that healing process and show up differently in your hardest parenting moments.


31. “It’s MINE!”: What To Do When Your Child Won’t Share (& Why You Shouldn’t Force It!)


29. “Why Is My Child So Defiant!?”: What’s Really Going On (& Why Labeling Children Isn’t Helpful)