31. “It’s MINE!”: What To Do When Your Child Won’t Share (& Why You Shouldn’t Force It!)

Sharing is caring … or is it? Most of us grew up thinking that sharing was kindness – and that good kids always share. And now as parents, we wonder: Why isn’t my child sharing? How do I get my child to share? And should I force my child to share if it’s not happening?

In this week’s episode, I unpack the topic of kids & sharing: What’s really going on when kids won’t share? Is it normal for kids not to share? And how should parents respond when kids won’t share? I share the perspective shift required to respond effectively in these moments – and why I don’t recommend forcing kids to share.

Here’s the thing: Understanding what’s really happening when your child won’t share is key to being able to respond in a way that’s helpful and builds connection and resilience. And after listening to today’s episode, you’ll be able to do exactly that!


32. When Gentle Parenting Isn’t Working: Shift Your Energy & Watch Your Child’s Behavior Change


30. “Why Do I Lose It When My Child Won’t Listen?!”: Making Sense of & Working Through Parenting Triggers