39. Self-Care for Parents: Why It’s Necessary & How to Make It Happen

As parents, we give SO much of ourselves. Parenting is HARD. And parenting differently than how we were parented can take a lot out of us; we’re reparenting ourselves while we’re coregulating with our kids, even when we’re not really feeling it. And when you add to all of that the stress of the holidays, it can be really hard to show up the way we want to unless we’re taking good care of ourselves. 

In today’s episode, I talk about self-care for parents – and why it’s the necessary foundation upon which we build everything else we do as parents. I explore why we often struggle to care for ourselves the way we do for others, why seeking “balance” can actually make things even harder for us, and how we can fit in self-care around our kids and amidst our busy lives.

Here’s the thing: Self-care as a parent is necessary – it’s never selfish or something that’s “nice to have if we can fit it in.” If we’re not taking care of ourselves, we will struggle to show up as the parents we want to be. Self-care has to be a priority, full stop. 

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FREE Holiday Survival Guide for Parents!: https://www.raisedresilient.com/holiday

Book a virtual coaching session with me! www.raisedresilient.com/coaching

LMNT Electrolytes (no sponsorship – just a favorite product of mine!): https://drinklmnt.com/


40. “Am I Raising An Ungrateful Child!?”: How to Get Your Child to Say “Thank You” (Without Forcing It!)


38. Why I Love Parenting Without Punishments: 3 Reasons to Stop Punishing Your Child