6. Learning to Say Sorry: Why You Shouldn’t Force Your Kids to Apologize (& What to Do Instead!)

Most of us grew up being told to “say sorry!” if we did something wrong. And maybe we learned to say the words … but I would argue that in saying these words, we didn’t actually feel remorse or learn how to repair our mistakes in any real way. 

In this episode, I share why I don’t force my kids to apologize (& why I recommend you don’t, either). I explore the downsides of forcing apologies, and I share what we should do instead.

Allowing children the space to feel & act on genuine remorse is the key to teaching them healthy repair – a skill they’ll need in every single relationship they’re a part of for the rest of their lives! 


7. Parent’s Responsibility: What Do Our Kids ACTUALLY Need From Us? (& 3 Things They Don’t Need!)


5. "Sitting with Big Feelings": What It Really Means & How It Builds Emotion Regulation