8. Respectful Parenting Isn’t Permissive Parenting: How to Set Healthy, Effective Boundaries That Will Set Your Child Up for Success

One of the most common misconceptions about parenting in a way that allows children to express all feelings is that kids basically get to do whatever they want. But that could not be further from the truth; allowing all feelings never means allowing all behaviors! The truth is that boundaries are essential in parenting … but actually setting them can be exhausting! If you’ve ever asked your child repeatedly to stop jumping on the couch only to have them ignore you, you know what I’m talking about; the struggle is real.

If setting boundaries with your child feels frustrating, this week’s episode is for you. I’ll empower you with answers to questions like: What is a boundary (and what isn’t)? Why are boundaries necessary? Which common boundary-setting mistakes might you be making? And if boundaries are so important, WHY do our kids push back on them so much?

Setting healthy, effective boundaries is essential to raising healthy kids. And after today’s episode, you’ll know how to do this in a way that feels good for you and your child, which is a game changer. You’ve got this!


9. Emotion Regulation for Kids: 4 Reasons Validating Your Child’s Feelings Isn’t Working (& What to do Instead!)


7. Parent’s Responsibility: What Do Our Kids ACTUALLY Need From Us? (& 3 Things They Don’t Need!)