98. Screens & Sensitive Kids Part 1: 5 Tips to Help You Set Your Child Up for Screen Success in 2024

Is screen time taking over your child’s routine? In this episode, we're diving into part one of a two-part series on setting up your highly sensitive kids for success with screens. It's easy for screen time to increase (especially during school breaks!), but don't worry – I've got 5 tips that can help you manage it effectively.

Screens can suppress emotions and sensory processing, cutting off feelings while we scroll – and kids are no different. Learn how to navigate this tricky terrain to ensure your child stays emotionally balanced and engaged, even during screen time.

Tune in to get these game-changing strategies— Plus, don’t miss next week’s part 2 episode for handling meltdowns when screen time is ending. And remember, if you're struggling with parenting your sensitive child, my Chaos to Connection program is here to support you. Book a breakthrough call and start transforming your family dynamics today!

FREE Breakthrough Call: https://www.raisedresilient.com/breakthrough

Is Your Child Highly Sensitive? Take My FREE Quiz! https://www.raisedresilient.com/quiz

FREE Guide: 10 Things Your Highly Sensitive Child Needs You to Know: https://www.raisedresilient.com/10things

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Aida’s Parenting Transformation Story: From Disconnected & Overwhelmed to Empowered & Confident in Just 8 Weeks


Parenting Reflections: Parenting Without Punishments: How It Actually Looks in Real Life (& Why It's So Important for Sensitive Kids!)